through environmentally sustainable, socially responsible systemsFirst Pac West provides environmentally sustainable and socially responsible community infrastructure, workforce accommodations and turnkey operational services for global resource and infrastructure.
A proud Indigenous company, our focus is on maximizing the valuable and mutually beneficial relationships between First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities and Industry. Facilitating economically beneficial partnerships between all parties.

First Nations architecture consistently featured the relationship between structural form and cultural values. Beyond the primary need for shelter, building forms met environmental requirements while expressing spiritual beliefs, linking mankind to the universe.
Historically, Iroquois and Cree longhouses were comprised of a long narrow structure framed by sharpened and fire-hardened wood poles driven close together into the ground. The roof was made by bending a series of the poles, resulting in an arc-shaped roof. Strips of bark are woven horizontally through the lines of poles to form weatherproof walls. Ideal for extreme weather conditions, this architectural concept inspired the design of the Solace System Longhouse. In keeping with traditional forms, the Solace System Longhouse expresses our cultural values, bringing people together and creating a sense of community.

What We Do
At First Pac West, we enhance quality of life by contributing to the well-being of communities. Across Canada and globally, we work with a broad range of communities, in adverse climates and on challenging terrain. Our clients are diverse; from Indigenous communities and small towns to national governments and temporary communities such as settlements for those displaced by natural disasters or civil war.
Working closely with the resource industry and the communities in which they operate, we provide workforce accommodations and ancillary buildings for major resource and infrastructure projects. We match the requirements of each project with the unique needs of the surrounding communities, enhancing capacities and capabilities with our innovative building system.